Friday is oatmeal day for us, too, but our "regular" is a bit more: for a pot of oats, add 2washed, sliced apples with skin (one sweet, one tart), handful of raisins, handful of chopped walnuts. Special.

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I agree—Sliced apples with the skin and walnuts totally elevates the cooked grains!

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And Greek yoghurt 😋

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That’s sounds yummy

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Yes, love is *everything*—especially love to the mamas, always.

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Currently in the phase of the expected 'good baby' and routine that people expect (even randoms in post office) stage of motherhood with my just turned 8months old who should according to these random people sleep through the night and only need solid food now...

Loving leeks, a nice firm sheep's cheese and blood oranges right now. Have some radishes in my polytunnel to enjoy in a potato salad this week.

I'm torn between needing some routine and soaking up the here and now. Lovely read as always 🌟

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That sounds like a delicious combo and radishes! Wow lovely to have some fresh spring produce already. We have to believe that people are well meaning with their comments, even though parenting is hugely personal ♥️ you’re clearly doing amazing

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In retirement, I've grown to love the routines of the seasons - hiking in spring and fall, biking or traveling to cooler places in summer to hike, in winter it's the lazy treadmill walks catching up on tv series I ignore the rest of the year. I absolutely LOVE the routine of our midweek homemade sourdough pizza with the goal of never repeating what is on top of the crust. New ingredient this week is a jar of kumquat compote that I bought online probably accompanying a rather routine seared and baked chicken... :)

That was a great read. Thanks!

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Yum kumquat compote sounds delicious! And love the seasonal hiking and biking ♥️

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I shuddered at the bit about routine in the early years of child rearing - what is the obsession? If only I could go back and say, no thank you to that!

The ingredients I am loving at the moment are marmalade and mackerel (not at the same time!)

This is a lovely permission-granting post. Thank you x

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Saying no thank you to the well meaning advice would be tricky too I guess, navigating politeness with firmness! Marmalade and mackerel are excellent ingredients, delicious x

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Hard relate. I feel like I exist in the tension between knowing in my head that I thrive off of routine but also rebelling against routine because I love an adventure, exploring & new experiences. It’s a tricky place to exist!

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We are strange creatures! Cannot be tamed 💙

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