Tá an ceart agat ar fad agus is mór an náire do mhuintir na hEireann an méid sin.

Tá daoine sa tír gur náire leo aon rud ’sean’ a bheith fágtha sa tír: saothar orthu airgead a bhaint as na rudaí sin agus iad a scrios ina dhiaidh sin: an nádúr san áireamh. Tá siad ag iarraidh an díobhál a rinne muintir na Gearmaine, an Isiltír agus Sasana do na áiteanna sin ar feadh 200 bhliain; tá siad ag iarradh a dhéanamh in Eirinn taobh istigh de 30 bliain amháin.

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I pity the farmer who messed with the hawthorn! What a crying shame. We were having this exact conversation yesterday cycling round Mullaghmore - so many bags of Supermacs dumped in fields - why do so many of our celebrations come at the expense of the natural world? You have put it so beautifully here. Did you know the 18th is Sheelagh's Day? I am thinking of switching my allegiance to this celebration instead. I also picked wild garlic yesterday so am very grateful for your tips. A wonderful article - thank you x

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I worry for him too! Sheelaghs day? Must look into this x

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