A brief window between finishing work and collecting the children from school meant I could squeeze in a quick walk; I could get right to the very end of the beach and maybe even a bit further, if I picked up the pace. I quick marched across the tennis courts onto the bridge and was filled with appreciation of my privilege in walking somewhere so beautiful, quiet and safe. The glowing January light meant the cold landscape and sea were brimming with otherworldly colours, magical.
A series of little decisions; pausing for deep breaths, searching for a hagstone, taking a photo, aimless wandering, meant that during the briefest glance out to the waves at a precise moment of glorious coincidence I saw a creature. I stopped, scanned the water, waited. One of three possibilities; a small seal (most likely) a large otter (exciting) a selkie1 (what my heart says). A few walkers passed me, we exchanged greetings, I waited a few more minutes, no sign of the selkie; of course, as you would expect, this elusive being won’t appear again once it has been spotted.
I love the right place, right time kind of encounters. Almost incredulous, what are the chances? A few weeks ago getting dressed after a swim with my dear friend a pod of somersaulting Bottlenose dolphins swam across the bay and we watched and laughed together, all our life worries paused.
On New Years Day whilst doing the usual tidying, I brought some washing down to our bedroom; I happened to look out the window and a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew to the Hawthorn across the road; I’ve never seen one in Ireland, let alone at my house. It felt unbelievably fitting and soul affirming to find out that the woodpecker represents determination, hope and protection; perfect symbolism on the first day of the year!
Chance encounters often stay with us, they are mysteriously captivating; windows to another world, a sign from a higher power, the stars aligning? A sparrowhawk appearing out of the hedge and flying alongside the car on the way home, our eyes meeting for an instant, a cuckoo chick being fed by a poor unknowing willow warbler from my old bedroom window in my parents’ house, fox cubs playing at dusk at the back of my brother’s house in the city, the list goes on. Even bumping into an old friend somewhere unexpected, making a connection in the most unlikely of places. What a wonderful world. (Something we need to constantly remind ourselves amidst the horrors.)
Leaving it all to chance is sometimes how I feel about my meals, hoping something will magically appear. There’s no substitute for the nutrients and taste of fresh produce but luckily the larder and the freezer can be the saviour in these situations and I regularly (especially in winter) open jars or tins or packets for dinner, relying on preserves or ferments to boost nutrition and flavour. We are moving swiftly towards the green plants of spring in the countryside and the foragers favourite will soon be everywhere, a wild garlic bonanza. I’ve a trusted spot for collecting* that other delicious and more subtle allium; three cornered leek and pick some quickly for adding into our cheese scones in the bakery and syphon a little off for myself to add to the dinner later.
This quick lunch ticked a lot of boxes for me and it felt like an important shift for me, committing to more cooking with intention, for nourishment; rather than falling back on the usual eggs on toast. Plus it took me about 10 minutes and I had a warming spicy tasty plate of deliciousness!
For one in need of quick nourishment
Tablespoon olive oil
150g Tofu, chopped into cubes (I like Tofoo brand)
2 tablespoons sauerkraut (I had a homemade red cabbage one)
3 tablespoons frozen peas
Teaspoon toasted black sesame seeds
Heaped teaspoon of crispy chilli oil
Feta, if you like
Heat the oil on a pan over a medium heat, add the tofu and let cook for a minute or so on each side until golden on all sides, or as close as. Add the peas, sauerkraut, seeds and cook for a few minutes, then stir in the chilli oil. Put on your plate, crumble over some feta and maybe have a bit of toast too with it, like I did!
I too am captivated by the kind of chance encounters you mention! I think they’re all three: a mysterious window, a sign, the stars aligning.. Thank you for your lovely words and photos!
I love a chance encounter! How marvellous to have seen a selkie - I think we just claim that one! I have had a packet of tofu in my fridge for ages so I will give this a go. My husband turned vegetarian on his birthday so I'm enjoying that culinary challenge! Perhaps some day we'll have our own chance encounter xxx